Bala Mandir USA (BMU) is a registered 501(c)(3) organization, and your donation to BMU is tax-deductible within the guidelines of US law. Our tax id number (EIN) is 93-3495736. Donations can be made in three ways as follows. Donors are requested to fill the donor information form below, so donations can be promptly processed and acknowledged, and year-end donation receipts mailed out.
1. Credit Card
2. Zelle – Donors can access Zelle through their bank or credit union websites, or by downloading the Zelle app for Android or iOS. Donors can add, and designate BMU as the intended recipient in Zelle by entering its email id:, and then initiate the donation.
3. Check – Checks should be payable to “Bala Mandir USA”, and mailed to Bala Mandir USA, No.9740 Lantana Way, Bethesda, MD 20817, USA.